Crime & Safety

NK Police Log: Fast Food Fury, DUI & Prank Calls

The following information was supplied by the North Kingstown Police Department. Where arrests or charges are mentioned, it does not indicate a conviction.

Kingston Man Charged With DUI

Anthony Dominic Marino, 40, of 74 Berry Hill Ln. in Kingston, was arrested Feb. 24 at 1:27 a.m. on charges of drunken driving and refusal to submit to a chemical test.

State police put out a bulletin for a possible intoxicated driver on Route 4 driving a silver Mercury with a vanity plate of “MARINO.” A North Kingstown officer allegedly saw Marino come off Route 4 on to Ten Rod Road where he saw him swerving in and out of lanes.

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According to reports, Marino told officers he was returning from Fat Belly’s in Providence where he had “a few drinks.” After allegedly failing his field sobriety test, Marino refused to take a preliminary breath test at the scene and another Breathalyzer at headquarters.

He is scheduled to appear in Third District Court on March 6.

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Fast Food Fury

employees contacted police regarding an intoxicated woman who was trying to leave the parking lot. According to employees, the customer’s peculiar behavior began when she nearly crashed her car leaving the drive-thru around 10:46 p.m. on Feb. 22. Moments later, the 37-year-old woman entered the fast food restaurant’s dining area and began yelling at employees because she thought she didn’t receive her full order.

When an employee inquired about the woman’s strange behavior, she explained that it was because of medication she had taken and then tried to leave the area.

When police arrived, they found the woman’s 8-year-old daughter in the back of the car. According to police, the woman told officers that she had drank two alcoholic beverages at her home before departing for Burger King. The woman allegedly failed her field sobriety test in the parking lot.

The woman and her daughter were brought to the where a relative picked them up. Police could not file drunken driving charges against the woman since an officer did not see her driving her car.

Lesson Learned

Police responded to the North Kingstown Public Works building Feb. 24 after an employee received a harassing voicemail. According to police, a man stated in a loud and agitated manner:

“How you doing? This is John Q. Taxpayer. Why the [expletive] are my tax dollars going for some [expletive] plowing the [expletive] road right now? There ain’t a [expletive] drop of snow on it. There’s sparks flying for this [expletive] plow.”

Police traced the number from the caller ID to a man who denied making the call, but told officers that he leaves his phone “laying around.”

Hours later, the man’s friend called police and took responsibility for making the call, citing that he did it as a prank and thought he had hit the “end” button on the phone before leaving the message. According to reports, the man apologized and stated he had learned his lesson.

Other Arrests...

Nathaniel T. Crowley, 27, of 55 Pierce Road in Saunderstown, was arrested Feb. 29 at 11:15 p.m. on a warrant after allegedly violating the terms of his probation.

Dawn Louise Cate, 49, of 215 Ten Rod Road in Exeter, was arrested Feb. 25 at 1:10 p.m. on charges of driving on a suspended license. She is set to appear in Third District Court on March 6.


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